Should You File a Lawsuit?
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorney
When you are injured in a car wreck, some people think you should immediately file a lawsuit. However, there are other, potentially more profitable solutions which your personal injury lawyer could pursue. While lawsuits can be very effective, they can also be expensive and reduce the money you receive.
During trial, you can spend tons of money on trial expenses. Our attorneys enjoy trials, especially jury trials. But it's simply not always in the best interest of our clients to have a trial. Before going to trial or even filing the lawsuit, there other alternatives and paths to consider that can result in higher payouts for my injured clients.
As auto accident lawyers, we want our clients to get as much money possible to help them in their situation. Therefore, we usually attempt to settle our cases against the insurance companies. This could mean arbitration or mediation. Arbitration involves an out-of-court "judge" deciding the case in a more informal setting. Mediation involves utilizing a third party to serve as a "mediator" to help find a resolution to the situation.
Before the case is settled, it is nice to have the threat of a lawsuit looming over the insurance company or the wrongdoers head as this can greatly impact the settlement prospects for the case. Unfortunately, bad faith claims are always a deterrent for insurance companies who don't want to fairly settle a case. Additionally, if the insurance company isn't dealing fairly, you may be able to file a complaint with your state's insurance department. The following are the links for Kansas insurance and Missouri insurance.
If you have been seriously injured in a car, truck, or motorcycle wreck, consult with an experienced automobile accident attorney from our personal injury firm. We have helped many clients throughout Missouri and Kansas.