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Missouri pharmacist liability

Clearly, a pharmacist is responsible for filling the correct medication, that is the main purpose of their job. Missouri State Statute 195.060.1, is very clear on what information is required to be documented on the prescription label. Not only are pharmacies required to have the patients basic vitals, such as: name, address, etc., but also the drug name, strength, dosage directions, among other information.

Currently, Walgreens is in a multi-million dollar lawsuit for failing to follow these clear directives. A 46 year old man died 36 hours after receiving his prescription, his family's wrongful death attorneys quickly spotted that the dosing instructions were negligently marked on the bottle. As a result, the man accidentally took too much medication which lead to his death.

Missouri medical malpractice cases involving medication errors are more frequent than we hear about. It is mainly because pharmacies, such as Walgreens, Rite Aid, and CVS, are quick to settle these claims to protect their reputations, and quite frankly, these cases speak for themselves. In most Missouri pharmaceutical error cases, it is easy to point the finger directly to the cause of the injury or death. An experienced Missouri Medical Malpractice attorney knows the laws surrounding pharmacy protocols, and can therefore help prove the causation link between prescription error and personal injuries
